The Opportunity

Unleashing the Transformative Power of Your Voice

Haila Macedo

Have you thought about the power of your voice and the frequency it carries? Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey of unveiling your unique frequency and aligning with your potential? This episode is a deep dive into the shift from surviving to thriving, viewing every aspect of life as a growth opportunity. Discover how embodying qualities such as presence, trust, and clarity - instead of constant busyness - can elevate your frequency. We'll also shed light on how we can unlock a more authentic expression of ourselves.

Liberate the authentic frequency of your self-expression and unleash the full power of your voice. Let's explore the true essence of authentic vocal expression, understanding how modifying our voices to meet certain expectations can hinder our growth and opportunities. We'll dissect lineage patterns and the significance of embodying our power through our voice. This episode emphasizes the value of nurturing a profound connection with our internal landscape and our voice, urging you to practice active listening and express your voice unrestrainedly. Together, let's nurture our voices, connect with our inner selves, and release our collective healing power.

Haila Macedo:
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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Opportunity. I'm your host, haila, and I'll be leading you through the difficult conversations that we need to have in order to feel embodied, empowered and expressed as no one other than ourselves. This podcast is an invitation to rise up to your souls, knowing that everything on your path is an opportunity to embody more of yourself, to refine your frequency and to align with the vision that you have been gifted. Remember you're not here to be anyone other than yourself, and the universe cannot connect with you if you ain't embodying yourself. Ready for more, let's get into it, welcome. Welcome to the Opportunity, formerly known as Living in HD. Let's go into a little bit around what happened with this transition here really quickly before we actually dive into this very exciting first episode.

Speaker 1:

So for me, business is embodiment. What I embody becomes my business. What I embody becomes my expression, my medicine, my content. That is just how it is, and it doesn't even matter the timeline or the length of that embodiment experience. If I embodied it, it has to reflect in my business. It's the way that I integrate it. So for the past about year and a half, I dove really deep into human design source material. I studied it before I was certified in it before, not specifically in source material, but I was and I have been moving through my own experiment for the past four years. But that last year and a half was hyper focused on human design source material for me, and what came through were my studies and for me, for someone who has need motivation and fear transference I lost myself a little bit in the information which it became technically, that relaying information instead of teaching from something, that which I can't actually control, which that's what I believe is our medicine, that's what I believe is your true voice. Your outer authority, is something that you can't actually control. You can't go in there and think about it and plan it out before you share it, it just comes out. That's when your voice becomes the medicine that the collective needs. Now, once I was released from whatever process I needed to be in, right doesn't mean that that process wasn't correct for me, doesn't mean that what I was sharing was incorrect for me. It was my experience at that time and once I completed that cycle of immersing myself in the information that I needed during that point in my life, I was able to come back to where I need to be. That's about it.

Speaker 1:

The truth is that nothing that you move through is a mistake. Nothing is wrong, because everything in your life is an opportunity for you. It's an opportunity for something. It's an opportunity for you to see, for you to become more aware, for you to create intimacy with yourself, source, the people around you that you love, your business, your voice, your vision. It's an opportunity for you to see things differently, move differently. It's an opportunity for you to be more intentional, less busy, less distracted. Everything is an opportunity, everything is a lesson, and when we understand that we have the choice to move through life like this, what happens is that your path accelerates.

Speaker 1:

Let's talk about high frequency, having a high frequency, playing with high frequencies for a little bit. Having a high frequency does not mean and trust me, I used to believe that it did mean this but it does not mean doing a bunch, being busy, thinking about all the things, having all the ideas. That's not what high frequency means. In fact, that can be coming more from an energy of chaos than a healthy, clear, refined high frequency. High frequency requires presence, stability, ground-dickness, intimacy, depth, clarity, knowing, trust, and when we embody those qualities, then our focus becomes our source point from which our purest frequency radiates from, and when we give space for that frequency to move through our bodies and radiate out in here, here into the world, into your reality, that's where the process speeds up. It speeds up out here because of the purity and refinement of your frequency, which is very unique to you.

Speaker 1:

You cannot imitate your frequency, you just can't. You can't try to be like someone else, you can't embody someone else's qualities, you can't find out how someone did something, embody that or apply that and still have access to your unique frequency. It's not how it works. A high frequency is simply the level of purity and refinement in your unique frequency. But this requires so much trust. It literally requires you to let go of all of the doubts and all the planning and all of the control, all the nitpicking, the micromanaging, all of the needing to know and trusting that there is a source point within you that holds your frequency and when you get out of your own way, that frequency can begin to radiate through you and accelerate the manifestation process of your reality. It moves things on. It says if it's moving the furniture of your reality around, throwing away what you no longer need, what's too old, too heavy for you to carry, and beginning to bring in things, designs, that align with the frequency. But once again, that requires trust, that requires you to stop judging and boxing things up, that requires you to let go of those set of rules that's holding back the expression of this frequency through you Clinging onto old identities.

Speaker 1:

How many times have you not done something in your business because it's not supposedly going to make sense for your audience or you're going to look too scattered? How many times have you held on to identities and not allowed yourself to flow through to something that you're being called towards because it's too opposite, it has nothing to do with what you're representing right now? And so how are you compartmentalizing, fragmenting yourself in all of these areas that you are being called to be expressed in your business, relationship, friendships, community how are you compartmentalizing yourself? And let me ask you, does that actually feel good? Does that actually feel like your potential? Your potential is witnessed and experienced when you allow all of your parts to come together and integrate and then express from there.

Speaker 1:

But you see, what you're going to express and what people are going to see is so unique that if you're scared of being judged or criticized, you're going to hold back on that You're not going to want to do that. You're not going to want to go there. And a big symptom of not going there, holding back, is looking at other people and putting them on pedestals and talking about how wonderful they are, how amazing at that they are, when in reality you have an even better version. Better because it's coming from you, for you, through you, but you're not sharing it, so you're hiding behind the pedestals that you've created for other people. Why no-transcript? Create your own. See how beautiful your expression is, see how sacred your vessel is, how sacred your voice is, how sacred your medicine is.

Speaker 1:

There is a life force moving your body in this moment, waking you up every single day, giving you this opportunity. That is life. Your heart is beating for you, your organs are working for you. You are the opportunity. Stop focusing on the opportunities that everyone else is experiencing, everyone else is embracing or moving through, or all the things that they're achieving, and begin looking at the opportunities that you have every single day in front of you and be very aware of how your doubts about yourself, of your lack of loving, support and self-intimacy with yourself is holding you back. We got to get real honest about these things, or else there ain't going to be any movement in your field. You have an opportunity to create, to cultivate, to magnetize, to radiate, to pulsate movement in your field every single day. Your relationship with the opportunities in your field are literally dependent on your decisions. So are you deciding from doubt and fear or are you deciding from love and trust that your body does want you to thrive, that it does want to support you, that your life force is sacred, that your voice does matter, that your voice is potent, it holds medicine that the collective needs?

Speaker 1:

If you're listening to this, I really don't believe that you're here, just that this is a coincidence. I just I can't believe that. I really do have to believe that you are moving through a journey with your own voice and your own expression, and that you know that there's something really, really powerful that wants to move through you and you just don't know how to get there. And my hope for you is that through these podcast episodes, you'll begin to move naturally. You don't even have to do anything. Just by showing up for yourself in this way, I trust that the stagnancy that's blocking your voice is going to begin to move, so that you can feel what you've been suppressing, because that's usually how it starts. What have you been suppressing? What emotions have you told yourself that? No, that's silly, you don't need to cry about that, you don't need to know. Like, we don't have to look at that, let's not waste our time. All of that is what blocks your voice Minimizing how you feel or felt about something, choosing not to speak your truth because you don't want to rock the boat.

Speaker 1:

Modifying and filtering your voice because you don't want to create confrontation, even though that's not even your intention. Masking, just wearing a mask, because you're not joyful or high vibe enough to just show up as you are, because the only thing that really matters is energy and your intention. And how can we actually take people seriously when they always play the perfect card when in reality, that's not a real frequency. Perfection is not a real frequency. Perfection is what masks the truth of someone's frequency. And I know that you don't want to go there. I know that that's not what you want, but if you feel your body sometimes just literally modifying itself to go there, it just it's an automatic thing that happens to you, then we need to be more aware of that Through self intimacy, through self trust. How do you really want to speak? What is your real tone of voice? What does your face or body look like if it's not trying, if it's actually just doing what it wants to do right now? Can you give it that permission? Can you trust that your body knows best and that your mind doesn't have to constantly, that it doesn't have to constantly get in the way of your expression, of your physical expression, vocal expression?

Speaker 1:

The suppression of that life force is what's blocking the opportunities. Our life force, our expression, is literally the bridge between where we're at, or us right here, and the opportunity in front of us. Your life force is what moves your vessel and the potency of your voice increases when you let go of control. Practice not trying any longer to control it. Be aware when you're controlling it. Be aware when you're coming from the mind, be aware when you are trying to make yourself sound or look like something, and practice over and over and over releasing it. And the more you release that, the more you're going to break down the wall that's blocking you from all the opportunities that are standing right in front of you that you are not seeing because you're too focused on controlling yourself and your expression. You're too focused on what other people are going to think, on what they're going to say, on how they're going to feel.

Speaker 1:

You are not here to mother others. How can your voice have any potency if you're mothering and coddling people? That's not what you came here for and you are not going to live your life, this beautiful opportunity that you have standing in front of you, that we all have to be alive to love ourselves, to use our voice what an opportunity that is. Every single day, as we're moving through this impermanent life, and every day you're going to choose to get up and suppress your feeling of aliveness when you free your expression or suppress your ability to love yourself because you're suppressing your expression or suppressing your voice because you don't want to rock the no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. That's not what we're choosing. No, no, no.

Speaker 1:

And the greatest of all, let's go even a little bit deeper. You have the opportunity in this lifetime to break. You don't even only have the opportunity. You are doing this already to break lineage patterns, to embody your power and to decide for yourself. Do not villages the arse and cylinder to find the harvest, or of the people in your lineage. Most of the women that came before you did not have these opportunities. Look at the opportunities that you have and the more opportunities you access and you embody, the further along you'll be or go and the more opportunities your future lineage will have.

Speaker 1:

That is so powerful, and you know what else is that? It all comes back down to what? The voice, your expression. Do you see how? There's no going around this? It's always going to come back to that your expression, the voice, the frequency, your internal source point. Think of having, like a source point inside of your heart, just a circle with a dot in it, and think of this life force manifesting through a frequency going up your throat out of your mouth. Now, when you hear your voice, how do you feel about your voice? Do you love it? Do you cringe at it? Are you just like, oh, I don't want to hear it? Do you have that intimacy with your voice? How do you relate to your voice? Because I know that when we say life force, we're all like yay, but now when we say voice, we're like ugh, how much do you love your voice?

Speaker 1:

You need to love your voice. You need to become intimate with your voice so that you can know when your shadows are trying to manipulate it or trying to get sneaky and add subtle manipulations to it. You have to understand if your voice has the power to be more potent than what it is right now and when I say more potent, I literally mean purification, refinement. Get that conditioning out of the way. That's what I mean the conditioning, the people pleasing, the resentment, the anger, like all these things that were like infusing into our voice when we're sharing our medicine. This is not to say that when you're moving through your embodiment practice, you cannot express the anger and the sadness and the resentment, whatever you're feeling. Yes, you can, of course, but right now we're talking about when your frequency is being expressed through your voice as medicine for the collective.

Speaker 1:

And to get to that state, we need to be fully, fucking radically, responsible for what's happening inside. Because if we're like, ugh, I don't want to spend time doing that. Ugh, I don't want to spend time being intimate with myself, I don't want to sit with myself, I don't want, well then, when you open up your voice, you know what's going to happen All that shit that you didn't want to tend to, that you didn't want to nurture, that you didn't want to mother. It's all going to come out through your voice and when you feel like something's off, that's why. That's why it's not for nothing we're not going to sit here and lie right. We're going to talk about the truth. These conversations need to be truth-telling conversations, so that you can actually get something from them and experience what you need to experience and understand what you need to do to get the results that you want to have. There's no way to sugarcoat this. We can only experience the potency of our voice when we become radically responsible for our internal landscape, knowing that nobody out here is responsible for how we are feeling. No more, we're no longer children. We are embodied women with a vision, a knowing that we have really fucking potent medicine that our voice transmits and we have the power to move mountains with that voice.

Speaker 1:

What are you hiding behind? What are you hiding behind? Is it the procrastination, the numbing judgments, criticism of others, judgments of others and ourselves? Are you hiding behind the visuals so that you don't have to use your voice? What are you hiding behind? Because every time you use your voice, you're going to be more intimate with it. The less you use your voice, the less intimacy there is.

Speaker 1:

You need to experience your voice and for those who are just starting out at first, it may feel messy, it may feel horrible. You may hear those shadows through the frequency of your voice. But you know what? If you don't start the journey, you're never going to move through the purification process that is unique to you, because that refinement process, that purification process, requires you. Your voice needs you. All of this is present for you right now. You have access to all of this. You have access to move people with your voice, to create impact. But it cannot happen unless you decide, unless you take that first step and you become consistent with this relationship. Because if you're not showing up for the relationship, then how is the relationship going to unfold, how is it going to be healthy, how is it going to be potent? This cannot happen without you.

Speaker 1:

You know how many times I show up for my voice, for my internal landscape, not wanting to. Just, oh, I wish just not today. You know like I don't want to do this, but you know it's funny the moment I feel connected to it, it's like there's nowhere else. I would rather fucking be. I can be in any country right now, anywhere, and this is what I would be doing there.

Speaker 1:

There is nothing more fulfilling than when a woman understands what intimacy and connection with her internal landscape, with her frequency, her life force, her voice, her medicine, feels like she will never want to go another day without that connection, without catering to that connection, without serving that connection, without being on her knees for that connection, without receiving that connection, without nurturing that connection. Nurturing that connection is a sacred service that we have that impacts the fuck out of our voice. So how are you going to move forward with your voice? Nurturing that? Your voice literally bridges you and the opportunities that are standing right in front of you. How are you going to move after this podcast episode? Sit in front of that mirror, sing to yourself, speak to yourself, hum, breathe, listen to your voice. Let that voice move all of that stagnancy that's inside of your throat, that's in your chest, so that it can take up more space inside of you and outside of you. It is your beautiful responsibility to do this.